Continuation Training

Continuation Training Program: Personnel will receive continuation training as required. The Shift Supervisor and/or Class Lead will identify weaknesses and training deficiencies and inform both the Supervisor and the Training Branch. The senior trainer for each course will be the focal point for conducting continuation training.

  • Prior to conducting any continuation training, the senior trainers will coordinate with the supervisors and Training Branch.
  • Supervisors may request assistance from the Training Branch to provide specific blocks of continuation training when subject matter expertise is not available within their respective course
  • The senior trainers will ensure all continuation training sessions are documented on a TOR and placed in each trainee’s OJT folder.
  • Videotaping of continuation training sessions should be accomplished whenever possible to maintain a reference for future and refresher training.  Personnel who are absent during these training opportunities can also review videotapes with a trainer and receive the same benefit.

Continuation training is in addition to PEAR it may be based upon training from the PEAR, but should be designed to continue the growth process through in-depth analysis of PEAR study. This type of instruction may be based on new techniques or equipment. Continuation training may relate to a task or technique previously qualified in or could be customer related.

Remedial Training

Remedial Training Procedures: Remedial training is used to correct trainee performance deficiencies. When a deficiency is identified during training, the trainer will provide remedial training as soon as possible. If instruction is being provided to students and safety is an issue, the trainee will intervene immediately.  If safety is not an issue, the trainer will let the instruction continue and will provide corrective actions as soon as possible after the lesson.

  • A task performed unsatisfactorily will be reported to the supervisor. Once root causes have been identified, the trainee will receive remedial training to ensure the task is corrected. Supervisors are responsible to ensure remedial training is accomplished and trainee performance is corrected to a satisfactory level.
  • Remedial training must be documented on an evaluation for and/or TOR. The trainer will document the deficiency, the corrective action taken, and the time spent providing the remedial training.

Unsatisfactory Evaluations: The instructor will be given a minimum of 30 days to complete required remedial training; however, this timeline is situation dependent and will be determined by the Training Branch Chief.  Once remedial training is accomplished, QA will schedule a re-evaluation NLT 90 days after training is complete.

Instructors that receive an unsatisfactory during the re-evaluation will be:

  • Re-entered into remedial training status and be provide with additional remediation.
  • Placed on training probation for 90 days. During this period the instructor will be assigned to a trainer and scheduled remedial training as specified by the Training Branch.
  • After completion of the probationary period, the instructor will receive a re-evaluation by the QA Office.
  • Any further action will be based upon trainer feedback, training documentation, and evaluation results as determined by the QA Manager and the Managing Director.

Trends: When negative trends or issues are identified, Shift Supervisors and/or Class Leads will coordinate with the Training Branch to identify remedial training requirements and implement corrective actions.