
A thoroughly trained, motivated workforce is the organization’s key resource in meeting challenges of the future. The Education & Training Plan (ETP) for a Code of Conduct Instructor provides management with the life-cycle education/training framework and guidance necessary for planning, developing, managing, and conducting workforce education and training programs. It provides a training guide for the workforce that identifies mandatory and optional skill level training received during career progression. The Education & Training Plan identifies the specific training individuals receive during each phase of their employment. This ETP will provide personnel a clear path to success, instill rigor in all aspects of workforce training, and train today's workforce for tomorrow's jobs. Ensure all records, created as a result of processes prescribed in this ETP, are maintained in accordance with all applicable records management references, and returned to the individual when no longer needed.

The ETP consists of two parts; both of which are used by supervisors to plan, manage, and control training within the career field:

  • Part I provides information necessary for overall management of training of the workforce. It contains administrative details, general information on purpose, use, and approval of the ETP, workforce progression, skill level training requirements, and resource constraints.
  • Part II of the ETP contains the Specialty Training Standard (STS), Training Course Index, and Job Qualification Standards.

Using guidance provided in the ETP will ensure individuals receive effective and efficient training at the appropriate points in their career. At the team level, supervisors and trainers will use Part II to identify, plan, and conduct training commensurate with the overall goals of this plan. This plan will enable us to train today’s workforce for tomorrow’s jobs.

Part 1

Abbreviations & Terms Explained

Education and Training Plan (ETP). An ETP is a comprehensive, multi-purpose document encapsulating the entire spectrum of education and training for NC Operations. It outlines a logical growth plan that includes training resources and is designed to make workforce training identifiable, eliminate duplication, and ensure this training is defensible.

Core Task. Identifies the minimum qualification requirement for all personnel. The Managing Director, with assistance from Senior Staff, provide a comprehensive list of minimum qualification task requirements.

Critical Tasks. Tasks, which have been identified by the work center supervisor, as having a detrimental effect on mission accomplishment if not performed correctly. Critical tasks may or may not be the same as core tasks, but are mandatory if identified as ―critical‖ to the individual’s position by the supervisor or work center.

Job Qualification Standard (JQS). A comprehensive task list that describes a particular job type or duty position used by supervisors to document task qualifications. The tasks on JQS are common to all persons serving in the described duty position.

Master Task Listing (MTL). Document, maintained within the work center, that identifies all tasks performed in work center. This includes core and position qualification.

Master Training Plan (MTP). A comprehensive training plan for a work center. It can include the MTL, Qualification Training, ETP, task breakdowns, commercial publications, and any other document that supports training.

On-the-Job Training (OJT). Hands-on, over-the-shoulder training conducted to certify personnel in both upgrade (gates) and job qualification (duty position qualification) training.

Proficiency Training. Training designed to reinforce existing qualifications. Includes additional training, exceeding initial training requirements, with emphasis on present or future duty assignments.

Post-Training Exercise (PTE). An exercise designed to evaluate student performance in a simulated captivity environment in which they previously received training from a DoD approved course.

Qualification Training. Actual hands-on, task performance-based training designed to qualify an individual in a specific duty position. This portion of the dual channel on-the-job training program, occurs both during and after the upgrade training process. It is designed to provide the performance skill/knowledge training required to do the job.

Specialty Training Standard (STS). Describes the workforce position in terms of tasks and knowledge employees may be expected to perform or know on the job. It serves as a contract between the organization and the customer.

Upgrade Training (UGT). Mandatory training which leads to the award of a higher gate level.