
This instruction outlines the OJT training program and applies to all personnel.  The objective of this instruction is to establish training doctrine and procedures applicable to all personnel in their assigned duties.   The Training Branch Chief is responsible to ensure adherence to this instruction while training and qualifying all assigned personnel.  Differences in individual trainees, their experience levels, and backgrounds may require trainees to advance through the training process at differing rates.  Specific training requirements may be waived with the approval of the Managing Director in coordination with the organizational President.

The intent of this instruction is to address all issues related to training conducted within the organization. This instruction is applicable to the Training Branch Chief, Training Manager, Supervisors, Trainers, and Trainees assigned to the organization.

Recommendations for changes to this instruction will be forwarded in writing to the Training Branch Chief and sent to the Managing Director for approval. The Training Branch Chief will maintain this instruction and recommended changes to subsequent versions.  This Operating Instruction will be reviewed and updated annually by the OPR.  A summary of changes will be posted in the front of this instruction.

Summary of changes:  New document


Overview — Skilled and trained personnel are critical to the organization. The On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program provides training for personnel to attain knowledge and skill qualifications required to perform their duty.

Strategy — Develop, manage, and execute training programs providing realistic and flexible training producing a highly skilled, motivated force capable of carrying out all tasks and functions in support of the customer’s mission.

Training and Mission Accomplishment — Training is an integral part of the company’s mission. An effective training program requires involvement at all levels.

Training and Career Program — Supervisors must explain to trainees the relationship of training to career progression. While the supervisor’s primary responsibility is to plan a program outlining specific short-term mission related goals for the trainee, overall success depends on the supervisor’s ability to advise and assist trainees to reach long range career objectives. Supervisors must take an active role in the trainee’s progression.

Training Components — The OJT program consists of three components that utilizes a training and evaluation cycle (i.e. learn, demonstrate, assess). The first of these components, job knowledge, is satisfied through study of the applicable references identified by the supervisor and/or Education and Training Plan (ETP). The second component is job proficiency. This is the hands-on training provided on the job, allowing the trainee to gain proficiency in tasks performed in the work center. The third component is job experience, gained during and after upgrade training, to build confidence and competence.