Structure of QA Program

This Operating Instruction outlines the organization’s policy and procedures utilized in the NC Operations Quality Assurance program. Training programs and mission support activities are subject to evaluation or Training Observation Reports (TOR) by the Quality Assurance (QA) Office.

Instructor evaluations and TOR’s are conducted to ensure that training standards, mission support activities, corporate directives, and policies are complied with and are maintained in accordance with the contractual statements of work. 


Managing Director:  Responsible for ensuring an effective quality assurance program is established and executed to support all NC Operations.

Quality Assurance Manager:  All instructor Quality Assurance (QA) programs will be directed by the Quality Assurance Manager.  The QA Manager may conduct periodic meetings to determine QA policy and guidance that enforce processes and methodology utilized to ensure consistency in student training.  General Quality Assurance issues will be briefed routinely to the Managing Director as required. The QA Manager, at the direction of the Managing Director, is responsible for implementation of this Operating Instruction to include the following:

  • Development and maintenance of the Quality Assurance Operating Instruction.
  • Evaluate instructors against established training standards, Statement of Work standards and course control documents.
  • Evaluate support personnel against established Statement of Work standards.

Quality Assurance Augmentee(s): All personnel selected to augment must have demonstrated a firm understanding of operational procedures, regulatory guidance, instructional techniques, and SERE Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures (TTP).  Quality Assurance Augmentees will be selected by the Managing Director and the Quality Assurance Manager. 

Selected personnel will be fully qualified as a Senior Instructor Trainer and designated by Trainer Certification Letter.  These individuals will assist the assigned Quality Assurance Manager with the following tasks:

  • Assist in the development and maintenance of the Quality Assurance Operating Instruction.
  • Evaluate instructors against established training standards, Statement of Work standards, and course control documents.

Quality Assurance Evaluator Training Process:

  • Evaluators will be made familiar with all pertinent directives, courseware, operating instructions and evaluation processes.
  • Evaluators will demonstrate an understanding of the evaluation process.
  • Evaluators will demonstrate an ability to provide accurate feedback that is appropriate to the training situation and level of classification.
  • Evaluators will observe the evaluation process and accompany assigned Q/A personnel.
  • Evaluators will be trained in instructor assessment, ratings and providing feedback, and then qualified as an evaluator by the QA Manager.
  • Quarterly training sessions will be conducted for all evaluators and evaluator trainees to ensure continuity and standardization to the QA Program.