Hello, my name is David Besterci and I recently moved back to Washington and now call Spokane home.  As I look back on my professional career, service has always been an integral part of my life.  It has helped shape and define who I am. Whether an active duty military member, a contractor for the Dept. of Defense, or a teacher in the public school system, I’ve spent a career in the service of others.  Teaching is also at the heart of who I am, it is my calling, my vocation; this will manifest itself no matter what role I play in an organization.  It should be no surprise then that my project revolves around adult learning and training & education.  I hope you enjoy it.

Core Values

  • Integrity

  • Empathy

  • Stewardship

  • Service

  • Excellence


To honor and respect the lived experiences of those I serve; to empower these individuals and provide them with opportunities for personal and professional growth and development.