Initial Evaluations

Qualified instructors will receive an initial evaluation within a specified area of their primary instructor responsibilities. The initial QA evaluation validates certification of the instructor.

The initial evaluation will be conducted by evaluator/s assigned to the QA Office or by selected QA Augmentees trained as evaluators and augmented to the QA Office.

The initial evaluation should be conducted no later than 90 days after the QA office receives notification regarding an instructor’s qualification.

The date of the initial evaluation establishes a window of time (60 days plus or minus the anniversary date of the initial evaluation) in which the instructor will receive an annual evaluation.

Annual Evaluations

As a minimum, a qualified instructor will receive an annual instructor evaluation in an area of primary instructor responsibility as determined by the contractual statement of work through which they are funded.

Qualified instructors that are currently performing as a primary instructor in more than one contract, or are tasked with multiple statements of work involving instructional duties, will receive an annual evaluation in each of the statements of work they support in a primary capacity.

Qualified instructors who are tasked on a case-by-case basis to augment a course or training event are not required to receive an annual evaluation in the course/training event they augment.

No-notice Evaluations

These evaluations apply to all instructors and training programs. The No-Notice Evaluations are designed to randomly evaluate an instructor, an aspect, or a process in the organization in which responsibilities as related to training.  No-Notice Evaluations will be conducted as directed by the Q/A Manager.

No-Notice Evaluations may count as an annual evaluation and as such will initiate a new annual evaluation date for the instructor observed.