Monitor Evaluation Word Picture

NOTE: The following numbering system corresponds with the items listed in block 1 of the instructor evaluation record to facilitate referencing during evaluations.


a.  Appearance: The instructor met the standards of dress and appearance in accordance with company policy.

b.  Communicative Skills: The instructor communicated in a clear manner and did not use slang or other non-specific jargon. The instructor was concise; did not consistently talk around a subject; or become long winded. Examples and support material were short, to the point, and not excessive in number. The instructor was professional; used correct grammar, avoided profanity, and was thoroughly knowledgeable about the topic. Presentation was delivered in an experienced, confident, and motivational manner. The instructor used mannerisms to support the instruction (e.g. gestures, movement, facial expressions, and posture). The instructor used a natural or appropriate rate of speech, voice inflection, and variety. Eye contact was direct and impartial and spread throughout the class.

c.  Use of Training Aids: Training aids were introduced and used in a logical manner. Available training aids were effectively used to develop training objectives. Training aids were properly prepared, organized, and in good condition. Training aids were used to support the instruction in a comprehensive manner. Training aids were not over used and did not detract from student learning. Training aids were visible to all students. Training aids were introduced when needed and did not create a distraction. Instructor did not teach to the training aids. 


a.  Questioning: The instructor used good questioning techniques to guide the students toward developing lesson themes, thoughts, and objectives. The instructor participated as an active intermediary, summarizing, re-phrasing and redirecting question while guiding the students toward the objectives.

b.  Controlling: Instructor directed/led the students toward the objectives. If the discussion moved off topic the instructor guided the students back to lesson objectives. The instructor did not over control/dominate the discussion. The instructor maintained control of the discussion.

c.  Summarizing: As required, the instructor provided students and the class with an assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement. The instructor provided the class with an interim summary.

3.  COURSE OBJECTIVES:  The instruction/discussion was sufficient to ensure objectives were fully accomplished. Sufficient examples and other support material were presented to ensure objectives were achieved. The instructor made an accurate assessment of student performance and provided appropriate feedback to the class. The instructor followed the laboratory guide to ensure successful completion of the Role-Play activity.

a.  Reinforce TTP and Policy: Instructor reinforced the applicable resistance tactics, techniques and policy. The instructor identified student deficiencies and provided appropriate remedial training.

b.  Effective Use of Time: The instructor used time appropriately throughout the lesson to develop individual teaching points and lesson objectives. The instructor wasn’t significantly over/under time. The instructor did not use an excessive amount of time to explain or clarify teaching points. The lesson was not excessively short due to a lack of examples, support material, or clarification of teaching points.

4.  SAFETY: Training and student handling was conducted safely and in accordance with TATE directives.

5.  SECURITY:  All applicable security directives were followed.