Training Program

On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program: This training plan facilitates and outlines the management requirements for all organizational training courses, functions, and duties of assigned personnel. The goal of the training process is to allow trainees to complete their required training in the most efficient and effective manner through the application of policy, diligent management, oversight and documentation.

Training Process: All personnel assigned to the organization will be immediately entered into a personally tailored PTP. The training process requires that each employee reach phase qualification levels within the established time frame listed in each PTP. Waivers for timeline extensions will be evaluated and approved by the Managing Director.

Standards of Performance: Each employee must meet and maintain a satisfactory performance level in all required tasks. Failure to meet those standards will result in remedial training and requalification.  Subsequent failure will result in referral up the individual’s chain for counseling and further consideration.

Expired Qualifications: An instructor who possesses skills other than their primary skills will be required to re-qualify in those skills that have not been used for a period of 12 months or longer.  The requalification timeline will be established by the receiving Team Lead in coordination with the Training Manager and Training Branch Chief.

Multi-contract Duties: The Training Manager and Training Branch Chief will coordinate and conduct auxiliary duty qualification training in support of multi-contract courses.  Employees will be required to maintain these skills to a satisfactory level without expiration.

Phase & Training Plan Requirements

Phase Training: All training is based on a phase system, which standardizes all training processes. Each phase identifies the skill sets required for the trainees’ duty position and are further delineated in the MTL and the PTP. Each training phase requires trainees to qualify on specific tasks. The supervisor and assigned trainers will manage and execute the training plan to accomplish required phase qualifications. Once phase qualified, the trainee will progress as directed by the Supervisor and Training Branch Chief to the next phase of training.

  • Phase 0, Orientation and Onboarding: The new hire will be welcomed aboard and given a tour of the facilities. Other areas to cover include: completion of all HR related paperwork, email accounts, access badges, clear expectations along with general areas of knowledge and skills required to ensure the employee is successful in their new job, induct into company culture (i.e. duty hours, dress code, access to facilities, parking, etc.), and assign a mentor who can ensure the employee quickly learns about the job and has assistance throughout the process. 
  • Phase I, Novice (Gate 1): This is an initial evaluation and observation period where supervisors and trainers will familiarize trainees with the organization, mission, and specific duties the trainee will be required to perform. The supervisor and trainers will use this period of time to assess the trainee’s level of knowledge, establish the training schedule, and provide assignments to the individual trainee.
  • Phase II, Apprentice (Gate 2): The trainee is capable of performing only the core tasks within a course. The trainee is not fully mission capable but can perform basic tasks in support of a course. They require direct trainer oversight on all tasks they have not qualified in. Supervisors and trainers will plan and schedule all required tasks to ensure successful Phase II qualification.
  • Phase III, Journeyman (Gate 3): The Journeyman will qualify on all remaining tasks required to independently perform their primary duties (Course/Job Qualified). As a Journeyman, build skill set and confidence. Supervisors and trainers will plan and schedule all required tasks to ensure successful Phase III qualification. Upon Phase III qualification, the trainee is now a qualified mission capable asset.  Selected individuals will transition into becoming trainers.
  • Phase IV, Craftsman (Gate 4): The Craftsman is a highly competent, skilled, subject matter expert in all aspects of course duties and responsibilities. Ops Chief, Training Branch Chief, and the Supervisor will individually select the trainee as a trainer, or a senior trainer.  Training Branch Chief, Training Manager, and senior trainers will plan and schedule all required tasks to ensure successful Phase IV qualification.

NOTE: Trainers will be selected from the senior Journeymen and Craftsmen phase and will attend the organization’s Train-the-trainer module.

  • Phase V Master Craftsman (Gate 5): The Master Craftsman is a highly capable leader, responsible for personnel, resources, and mission requirements. Master Craftsmen are selected by Senior Management. Senior Management, Training Branch Chief, and Training Manager will plan and schedule all required tasks to ensure successful Phase V qualification.

** Phase training will be integrated into the Master Training Plan.

Master Training Plan (MTP):  Each individual Team will have a Master Training Plan, which specifically outlines a trainee’s progress through all phases of qualification training.

The following are the procedures and criteria for developing a MTP:

  • Training Phases, Column 1 will outline the phase of training.
  • Course Specific Training Tasks, Column 2 will provide an outline and flow for each course’s training process. List all major skill sets required for each individual’s phase qualification. The skill sets will be prioritized in a logical training flow (i.e. simple to complex) in accordance with the “Phase” training plan from Novice to Manager. Only the major skill set objectives will be identified in this column. All of the specific training tasks will be identified, prioritized, and listed in the accompanying Master Task Listing.
  • Professional Education and Research (PEAR), Column 3 is a list of required professional education and research tasks. The goal of this program is to ensure maximum training efficiency, increase trainee subject matter expertise, and ensure all instruction is current and relevant. This is a development process that improves capability and mission execution. This column will identify and list all PEAR tasks required for each phase of training. The following are examples of tasks that would be listed in the PEAR column: Reference books; DoD documents; regulations and instructions; SERE debriefs; STIRPS, formal courses or classes; or any type of professional development identified by the Ops, Training Branch, Supervisors, and Trainers.
  • Additional Qualifications, Column 4 is used to identify training requirements, exercise support tasks, or additional technical qualifications. These support qualifications are not normally a part of the Trainee’s primary duties.

Master Task Listing (MTL): The Master Task Listing (MTL) lists all training tasks required for each phase qualification. The MTL is a tool used by supervisors and trainers to plan and organize the training requirements. The MTL will help the trainee understand the overall training process and phase qualification requirements. Each team’s MTL will be reviewed and updated annually by Supervisors, Training Manager, and Training Branch Chief.

When a trainee is assigned to a duty section, the Supervisor, the Senior Trainer, Training Manager and Training Branch Chief will establish an individual training plan to meet training requirements.

The Supervisor will use the MTL to brief the trainee on their training requirements. The Supervisor will ensure the trainee understands all tasks and requirements.