Building a Program

Excellence demands rigor, and if this organization truly wants that, then we have to be rigorous in our approach to training.  This will require a complete overhaul of the training program and include the development of (1) Education & Training Plan, (2) On-the-job (OJT) Program, and (3) Quality Assurance (QA) Program.  Areas of emphasis will be:

  • Rigor
    •  Rigorous approach to training
    • Means “depth of knowledge” -- the ability to truly understand why we’re doing something
    • Means clear, unambiguous documentation
    • Clearly defined training events
  • Intentional
    • Clearly defined training objectives
    • Delivering differentiated instruction
  • Focused training events & debriefs
    • Allows time for reflection / self-study / etc.
  • Performance feedback
    • Must provide honest feedback about trainee’s performance
    • Re-framing feedback
      • Need to move away from the climate of thinking that performance feedback is derogatory – it is not disciplinary, it's about providing honest feedback so that individuals can grow and develop and reach their potential
      • This requires a fence between organizaitonal development & training and human resources.