Training Observation Report (TOR)

The TOR is used to document training and evaluation of instructor and non-instructor personnel. This may occur while evaluating multiple tasks or training iterations occurring consecutively i.e. multiple tasks, role-plays or lessons being conducted concurrently. The TOR is also a tool used to monitor training, ensuring course standards and training activities are accomplished in accordance with applicable instructions and course documents. A TOR may be used to document training provided by a training manager, supervisor, trainer, or any other monitor/evaluator when observing or evaluating training tasks and placed in the individual’s OJT folder.  Supervisors will be responsible to document monthly training progress for each trainee using a TOR. Areas to include in a TOR:

  • Trainee observed, training phase, and date
  • Training window: This will identify the start and finish dates of the evaluation. Include actual hours engaged in training.
  • Training observed: Identify the specific training task(s) accomplished by the trainee, i.e. lessons, ARL’s/role-plays, other specific training actions or iterations.
  • Summary of progress: The first sentence will state whether the trainee’s progress has been satisfactory or unsatisfactory. When documenting the summary of progress, the evaluator will describe how effectively the trainee is progressing within their training plan.
  • Strengths: Document individual strengths. The evaluator will provide consideration for trainee experience and time in training when discussing strengths.  Specifically identify areas where the trainee excels.
  • Weaknesses: Identify areas where the trainee has had difficulties and requires additional training or assistance. Specifically identify problem areas that continue to be a barrier to training progress.
  • Remedial training: List all remedial training provided to the trainee and the amount of time required to correct training deficiencies. Future trainers will use this information as a reference for follow on training activities. Identify whether remedial training was successful or unsuccessful.
  • Action Items: Clearly identify and assign tasks that the trainee must accomplish. Assignments will include a completion date. The trainee’s follow-on trainer is required to ensure assignments were accomplished.
  • Recommendations: Recommend scheduling, additional training or guidance that will improve trainee progression. Provide clear recommendations to trainees, trainers, and supervisor.
  • Signature block: The signature block will include trainees and trainer/evaluator signature.