
Prior to launching the new program, trainees were routinely taking 6-8 months to qualify in their primary core tasks.  During this time frame, one instructor was also decertified as a result of an unsatisfactory evaluation and placed back into the training process.  This prolonged training cycle, coupled with an alarmingly high personnel turnover rate, has led to significant an unsustainable business practices.

Since implementation of the program, the training duration is down to approximately 4 months with all initial evaluations conducted to date at a satisfactory or above level.  Instructor throughput for September 2016 - March 2017 was 15 fully qualified instructors, a significantly higher number than those of the first 3 quarters of 2016

Feedback has been very positive from both trainers and trainees.  A common theme around the new training process revolve around structure, standards, and feedback.