Skill Level Qualification

Purpose. Skill level training requirements are defined in terms of tasks and knowledge requirements. This section outlines the specialty qualification requirements for each gate in broad, general terms and establishes the mandatory requirements for entry, award, and retention of each gate level. The specific task and knowledge training requirements are identified in the STS at Part II, Section A and B of this ETP. The following are required for workforce qualification:

Knowledge is mandatory in the following areas: The Code of Conduct, DoDI 0-3002.05, and U.S. Government policy for isolated personnel; procedures for PR program management; JPRC, UARCC, and PRCC roles and missions; cultural and sociopolitical considerations that affect PR; signaling techniques; escape and evasion TTP (urban); apprehension avoidance (A2) and escape enhancements (E2); special operations recovery teams and non-conventional assisted recovery mechanisms; courseware development; lecture, demonstration and performance, guided discussion, and role-play instructional methods and techniques; impact of international law on the isolated person; conduct after capture concepts for governmental detention, and hostage environments including, but not limited to, resistance to exploitation, organization and communication, maintenance of psychological and physical health.

Part II

Specialty Training

Circle current duty position task number: If in upgrade training, all duty position requirements, to include tasks commensurate with the gate level in training for, will be identified. After an individual has completed upgrade training and has received their new gate level, only the tasks that are specific to their duty position will be required to be maintained and identified. All remaining task numbers that are circled and are no longer required for an individual’s duty position, will have the circles erased. Personnel that are not trained to the appropriate skills task levels, or who fail to maintain standards, or who are downgraded should be entered into remedial training. The Managing Director or designated representative should review records and pertinent information on personnel who fail to maintain standards after remedial training for removal from the workforce.

OJT qualification columns: Column 2 provides OJT qualification columns to record completion of task and knowledge training requirements.

For OJT, the tasks in column 2B are trained and qualified to the identified level-of-learning and means the individual can perform the task and meets local requirements for accuracy, timeliness, and correct use of procedures for the listed knowledge and/or skill task level.

Upgrade Qualification Procedures: Prior to upgrade, all personnel, regardless of duty position, must satisfactorily complete all training requirements commensurate with upgrade skill level.


Records Documentation.

Identification. Enter trainee and supervisor’s/trainer’s identification data on the JQS identification page.

Qualification: Qualify tasks as follows ensuring all annotations are in pencil:

Circle current duty position task number: If in upgrade training, all duty position requirements, to include tasks commensurate with the skill level in training for, will be identified. After an individual has completed upgrade training and has received their new gate level, only the tasks that are specific to their duty position will be required to be maintained and identified. All remaining task numbers that are circled and are no longer required for an individuals’ duty position, will have the circles erased.

As task training starts, enter the training start date in column ―2A.

When the trainee and trainer agree to task proficiency, the trainee will initial the trainee block (column ―2C). The trainer will enter completion date in column ―2B and will initial in the trainer block (column ―2D).

Decertification: To decertify an individual, who is no longer proficient at a required task, "X" out the "completion date" block and erase the start date, trainer, certifier and trainee's initials. Annotate Form 623A, On-The-Job Training Record Continuation Sheet, to reflect the reason for decertification.

Requalification: Once retraining is started, enter the new training start date. After completing the task to a "go" level, recertify following procedures in the qualification paragraph.

Transcribing ETPs—transcribing documentation to a new ETP is an administrative function, not a re-evaluation of training. For tasks previously certified and required in the current duty position, circle the subparagraph number next to the task statement and enter the current date in the completion column. Trainee initials in the trainee column and the current task certifier or supervisor/trainer initials in the trainer column. Remember, during the transcription process no training is taking place; therefore, the trainer’s initial are not required when transcribing previous qualification for tasks not required in the current duty position, carry forward only the previous completion date of qualification (not the initials of another person). When transcribed tasks become duty position requirements, recertify using standard qualification procedures. The person whose initials appear in the trainer or certifier block, during the transcription process, must meet the requirements of their respective roles. Upon completion of the transcription process, give the old ETP to the member.

Proficiency Code Key: The table, on the following page, contains the Proficiency Code Key used to indicate level-of-learning required for resident training and OJT.

Records. The program records, created as a result of the processes prescribed in this document, are maintained and disposed of in accordance with the organization’s policies and procedures.