Evaluation Introduction

Evaluations: All evaluations will be documented on an Instructor Evaluation Form. The evaluation form will be used to qualify instructors on an individual task and is a comprehensive document that provides evaluators a qualitative means for evaluating trainee performance. There are three types of instructor evaluation forms: Academic, Role-Play, and Monitor Evaluations. The form provides a comprehensive tool that both evaluators and trainers can use to aid in the debriefing process. It ensures effective communication, continuity, and understanding of the trainee’s level of performance.

Qualification: As the trainee progresses, the Supervisor and Training Manager will track the trainees phase qualification level. When the trainee qualifies in the final block of instruction required for phase/gate qualification, the Task Certifier will submit the final evaluation and a TOR to the Training Manager for review. After review and verification, the Training Manager will submit a qualification letter to the Training Branch Chief for review and approval by the Managing Director. The Training Manager will also notify QA to enter the trainee into the QA evaluation program.

Upon completion of qualification training, instructors will receive an initial evaluation within 60 days to start their 12-month evaluation window.  The evaluations will be logged into the Operations Evaluation Tracker. Each individual’s evaluation date will be checked prior to any Mobile Training Teams (MTT) with a plan to meet the 12-month evaluation window.

Security: These forms will be marked and handled at the lowest classification level as possible. If a security classification is required, it will be handled and stored appropriately per the current security guidance.

Evaluation Form

All training evaluations will be filed in the trainee’s OJT folder.

General guidelines for filling out administrative portion of instructor evaluation record:

  • Name: self-explanatory
  • Date: date the evaluation took place.  This date is used to determine the next evaluation date.
  • Next Evaluation Date: date is NOT dependent upon “Overall Rating”. Add a year from the date the evaluation was conducted.  For example, if the evaluation was completed on 22 Jun 15, next evaluation is due 21 Jun 16.
  • Course: self-explanatory
  • Lesson: self-explanatory
  • Location: on-station or PTE location
  • Purpose of Evaluation: Circle appropriate evaluation. The “Other” box can be used for reevaluations of lessons rated Q2 or Q3. In this case, you would write “Reevaluation” on the line.
  • Overall Rating: place an “X” in the rating box that the individual earned.
  • Reevaluation Required: for Q1 or Q2 ratings put an “X” in the “No” block. For Q3 ratings put an “X” in the “Yes” block. Reevaluations are due within 90 days.

Grading Scale

The grading system consists of a Q1 (qualified), Q2 (qualified), and Q3 (unqualified) grading scale (with a four-level subareas) as follows:

  • Q1 (Qualified) – The instructor's performance met the desired standards for subject mastery and instructional techniques. An adjective phrase of exceptionally qualified (EQ) may be included in the remarks section of the TATE Form 610 for individuals whose overall performance far exceeds the standards.
  • Q2 (Qualified) – The instructor's performance met minimum standards for subject mastery and instructional techniques. Although this rating does not affect qualification, additional training is required. The additional training will be documented in the instructor’s training folder.
  • Q3 (Unqualified) – The instructor did not meet the minimum standards for subject mastery or instructional techniques. The instructor will no longer be qualified in the evaluated units of training. Requalification in the specified units of training by the immediate supervisor is required prior to resumption of instructor duties. Upon completion of remedial training, a new evaluation will be conducted to requalify the instructor, which will create a new annual evaluation window.

Subarea Grades:

  • Excellent – The individual's instruction is above standards. No deviations occurred.
  • Satisfactory – The individual instructs correctly, efficiently, and skillfully. Minor deviations may occur, but are recognized and corrected in a timely manner and do not significantly detract from the overall performance.
  • Marginal – The individual instructs safely, but has limited knowledge or skill. Deviations occur that distract from his or her overall performance.
  • Unsatisfactory – The individual is unsafe or lacks sufficient knowledge or skill to instruct.

Block III will have four mandatory categories (applies to all three evaluation forms).

Overall rating:  i.e. Mr. Smith taught this lesson to a (Q1EQ / Q1 / Q2 / Q3)—exceptionally qualified/satisfactory/marginal/unsatisfactory—level.

Strengths: Identify strong points of the lesson, mandatory for ratings above satisfactory in BLOCK I of the instructor evaluation record.

Areas for improvement: mandatory for any section in block 1 rated less than satisfactory of the instructor evaluation record.

Recommendations: mandatory for any improvement needed to achieve satisfactory in BLOCK I of the instructor evaluation record.

When the overall rating is Q-2 or Q-3, complete a “recommended corrective action” paragraph. For a Q-3 rating, include the following comment: “Pending re-qualification or reevaluation, Mr. Doe may instruct only with a trainer present.

Written comments concerning marginal or unsatisfactory ratings are required in the evaluator’s comments block. These comments should be written to identify the cause for downgraded areas. Downgraded areas must identify the deficiencies and any recommended corrective actions.

Mandatory Evaluator Comments (Block III)