General Procedures

Debriefings should be performed as soon as possible following an event.

Trainees will clearly understand their overall rating and performance, satisfactory or unsatisfactory.  Trainers will debrief reason for specific ratings and observations on the evaluation form or TOR.

Debriefings should be honest, clear, and concise, emphasizing both positive and negative aspects of the trainee’s performance.

Debriefs should take place in a quiet, comfortable, distraction free environment.

Trainers will use a logical flow for debriefings.

Avoid opinions and speculation; stick to the facts and requirements.

Provide trainees with pointers, tips, and proven methods that can be readily implemented.

Provide trainees with clear guidance of what “has to be changed” to meet satisfactory goals.

All training documentation should be completed as soon as possible and placed in the trainee’s training records.

OJT Flowchart