
Managing Director:  Responsible for ensuring effective training programs are established and executed. Managing Directors who are actively involved in training program management take an important step toward making sure personnel are qualified in their assigned jobs and capable of meeting mission requirements. Investing in training significantly increases mission capability and job satisfaction.

The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring a robust, mission-oriented training program is established. Self-inspection programs must be in-depth enough to identify outstanding work center training programs as well as any training shortfalls.  Specifically, the Managing Director:

  • Approves training policies for all courses and activities.
  • Approval authority for changes in scope or course direction.
  • Approval authority for all deviations from stated policy directives.
  • Final approval authority for training waivers.

Training Branch Chief (PD/TRNG/QA):  Designs, implements, and manages the training program, policies, and procedures, as directed by the Managing Director.  Creates training strategies, serves as a training consultant to employees, and determines if quality training programs are in effect within all sections.  Branch Chief responsibilities include:

  • Advise and assist Managing Director and personnel in executing their training responsibilities.
  • Develop and coordinate training policy and program changes (i.e. operating instructions) with team leads.
  • Ensure all work centers have a MTP. Assist work centers in developing a MTP to plan, manage, and execute training activities.
  • Review the OJT records of trainees submitted for upgrade. The OJT record will be compared against the master task list. Ensure all applicable core task requirements have been trained and qualified as required.
  • Responsible for coordinating with team leads to track and document all training to include training schedules, evaluations, qualifications, and any special training requirements.
  • Conduct training meetings after each PreAL. Including the following processes:
    • Publish training summary within 5 duty days following the meeting.
    • Distribute copy of training summary to Managing Director and all senior management and work centers.
    • Manage training gate roster, publish monthly roster by the 5th duty day of each month.

Training Manager (TM):  Responsible to the Training Branch Chief on all training issues. Advises the Training Branch Chief on trainee progress.  Training Manager responsibilities include:

  • Oversees all training policy and procedures implemented by the Training Branch Chief and Team Leads.
  • Responsible to the Training Branch to conduct Trainer training.
  • Reviews and approves all Personal Training Plans (PTP’s).
  • Reviews Training Observation Reports (TOR’s), Evaluations, and Qualifications.
  • Responsible to coordinate oversight and management of personnel training with the Training Branch Chief and Team Leads.
  • Review and submit for approval, phase qualification letters submitted by the Team Leads.
  • Schedules and conducts monthly training meetings.
  • Develops and maintains Training Modules to be used in conjunction with the MTL and PTP to qualify trainees in additional courses with unique or specialized training requirements.
  • Organize, manage, and conduct continuation-training sessions to improve overall duty performance.

Supervisors:  Supervisors have the single greatest impact on mission accomplishment. They must share their experiences and expertise to meet mission requirements and provide a high quality training program to the trainee. Supervisors must plan, conduct, and evaluate training.  Supervisor responsibilities include:

  • Responsible to the Training Branch Chief on all issues related to training.
  • Notify the Training Branch Chief when core qualification training requirements have been met by trainees.
  • In coordination with Training Branch, develop a Master Task List (MTL) that identifies all day-to-day mission (duty position) requirements, core tasks, and additional duties performed by work center personnel.
  • In coordination with Training Branch, develop a Master Training Plan (MTP) to ensure completion of all work center duty requirements (e.g. 100 percent task coverage).
  • Provides the Training Manager individual trainee status: training schedules, qualifications, evaluations and any special training requirements.
  • Responsible to establish, maintain and review each trainee’s OJT Record.  These records will be located within the work center.
  • Training records for personnel NOT in upgrade training will be reviewed at least once every six months and documented on a TOR.
  • Responsible to create and manage a long range training schedule IAW the MTP for each trainee.
  • Responsible to establish training assignments and schedule daily activities.
  • Assign, coordinate, and support course trainers.
  • Coordinate with the appropriate personnel to ensure that trainees are scheduled to perform qualification tasks.
  • Provide specific feedback to the trainee throughout the training process.

Senior Trainer: The senior course trainer and supervisor may be the same individual.  The senior course trainer’s responsibilities include:

  • Responsible to the Training Branch to conduct specialized training as required.
  • Responsible for providing necessary remediation to trainees and ultimately responsible for ensuring training objectives are being met.
  • Coordinate with Training Manager on all training issues.
  • Responsible to assist Trainers when additional skill sets are required to accomplish training objectives.
  • Coordinate with and support Team Leads, Training Manager and Training Branch Chief to create, manage, and execute trainees personal training plan.
  • Ensure established standards of performance are adhered to during the trainee’s qualification process.
  • Attends all scheduled training meetings.         

Trainer: The trainer and supervisor may be the same individual. If necessary, the supervisor may assign someone else to provide the training. Trainers are selected based on their experience and ability to provide effective instruction to trainees. Trainer responsibilities include:

  • Attend a trainer’s course and maintain required task qualifications.
  • Responsible to the Senior Trainer and the trainee’s immediate supervisor to conduct all training required for task qualification.
  • Responsible for providing necessary remediation to trainees and ultimately responsible for ensuring training objectives are being met.
  • Responsible to review trainee’s OJT folder prior to training evolution to ensure continuity of training.
  • Coordinates with trainers, supervisors and Operations to de-conflict training and operational tasks.
  • Plan for and conduct training, evaluations, debriefings, and qualifications in accordance with this instruction.
  • Conduct remedial training as soon as possible and ensure required follow-up actions are accomplished.
  • Document all training in the individual’s training record.
  • Record task qualifications according to prescribed instructions when a trainee performs a task to required standards.
  • Prepare and use teaching outlines or task breakdowns, as necessary.
  • Brief the trainee and supervisor on the training evaluation results and trainee’s progression
  • Responsible to attend scheduled training meetings.

NOTE: To ensure effective and efficient execution of training programs, the trainer and trainee should be placed on the same work schedule unless the mission dictates otherwise.

Task Certifier:  Certifiers will provide a third-party observation and evaluation of core tasks. The responsibility of the certifier is to conduct additional evaluations and qualify the trainee on those designated tasks. Certifiers must meet minimum qualifications including:

  • Be at least a skilled technician (phase IV).
  • Be capable of evaluating the task being certified.
  • Demonstrate success in evaluating training and certify qualifications.
  • Use established training evaluation tools and methods to determine the trainee’s ability and training program effectiveness.
  • Brief the trainee, supervisor, and trainer on the training evaluation results. Identify the trainee’s strengths and areas needing improvement.
  • When necessary, request assistance from the supervisor and/or the Training Manager.
  • The certifier must be someone other than the trainee’s primary trainer.

Trainee: The trainee is the focal point of the OJT training program. Trainees must make every effort to become qualified to perform in their duty position. The success and quality of trainee training greatly depends on the relationship between the supervisor, trainer, and trainee. Trainees must:

  • Actively participate in all opportunities for upgrade and qualification training to include self-evaluation and feedback sessions.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of applicable ETP requirements and progression path.
  • Obtain and maintain knowledge, qualifications, and appropriate skill level within the assigned duty position.
  • Budget on-duty time to complete assigned training tasks, particularly self-study training requirements, within established time limits.
  • Request assistance from the supervisor, trainer, and the Training Manager when having difficulty with any part of training.
  • Acknowledge and document task qualification upon completion of training. Documenting task qualification serves as an official record of proficiency, certifying the individual is accountable for task performance IAW the governing instructions.