Review Process

If trainee’s progression is taking in inordinate amount of time or regression occurs, the Review Process will be initiated upon notification from the Training Branch Chief that a trainee is under review.

The Managing Director will notify the trainee on a memorandum the reasoning and possible outcomes of the process.  Trainee and supervisor will acknowledge being placed in the review process by signing the memorandum; this will then be placed in the trainee’s training folder.  The Managing Director will review and sign a monthly Form 623a (generated by individual’s Team Lead) on the trainee’s progression or regression until individual upgrades or fails to progress.

Abbreviations & Terms

Auxiliary Instructors (AI): Employees are used to augment training courses other than their primary duties to support course training requirements. These individuals will be trained and used to instruct academics, role-play and exercise support or to provide additional safety and supervision.

Course: Refers to any formal course of instruction presented by the organization.  Within this instruction, any mention of “course” will refer to “Instructor” training.

Currency / Proficiency: Currency and proficiency have similar definitions and they do complement each other; however, neither one is a replacement for the other. Being current under this operating instruction means that an individual has met the requirements to act independently on core tasks within a certain time period (individuals must perform the task within the past 12 months to remain current). Being proficient means, according to Webster's College Dictionary, "fully competent in any art, science, or subject." One can be current without being proficient in the task, but if one is proficient, most likely they have also met the currency requirements to get to that point.  The spirit and intent of this is to implement best practices that lead to overall performance and mastery of skill sets while reducing risks involved in training.

Master Task Listing (MTL): The MTL is a list of specific tasks within a work center that establishes, organizes, and outlines course specific training requirements. Each course is required to include their MTL as an attachment to their Personal Training Plan.

Professional Education and Research (PEAR): During each phase of upgrade training the supervisor, based on the PTP, will assign PEAR’s, which is a listing of required education and research tasks. The goal of this program is to maximize training time efficiency, increase trainee subject matter expertise, and ensure that all instruction and products are accurate, current, and relevant.

Phases: Phase Qualification identifies skill sets required for trainee duty positions and are identified in the MTL and the PTP.  Prior to entering into Phase I, newly assigned personnel will complete all company onboarding, both corporate and NC operating location.

Program: Any consolidated, managed duty section within the organization. This refers to organizational courses and “instructors” and encompasses all mission related “personnel” and their training processes.

Personal Training Plan (PTP): Each individual duty section/course will have a PTP, which specifically outlines the training process and expected trainee progression through all phases of qualification training. The PTP is specifically targeted at a course’s unique requirements.

Qualification Training: Qualification training will be used to identify the trainee’s status as they progress through Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Craftsman, or Master Craftsman training.

Qualified: Qualified is a term used to describe a trainee who has successfully completed all training objectives and core tasks required for a specific phase of training.  A qualified individual is capable of performing core tasks independently.

Re-qualification: a term used to signify an individual who is qualifying on a core task in which they were previously fully qualified to perform.  If an individual who is re-qualifying on a core task can demonstrate proficiency to a senior trainer/task certifier, then a check ride in front of students can be accomplished.  If, however, the individual cannot demonstrate proficiency to a senior trainer/task certifier, they will enter into training and provided with adequate supports and remediation.

Training Modules (TM’s): TM’s are instructional packages designed to support course specific training requirements. They will be used in conjunction with the MTL and PTP to qualify trainees in additional courses with unique or specialized training requirements. The Training Branch and senior management are responsible for developing and maintaining TM’s.

Trainee: Personnel in training for support of one or more of the courses administered by the organization. Their specific qualifications are outlined within MTL’s and individual PTP’s.

Training Observation Report (TOR): TOR’s are a means of documenting and monitoring course and instructor training to ensure course standards and training requirements are achieved. A TOR will be used to document training when evaluating multiple tasks.